



Tuesday, November 22, 2022

LUNCH TODAY:  Turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, roll, fruit



Menus are subject to change

AM HS Gym Supervision: 11/21-11/25: Mrs. Coates

Mandatory Study Hall coverage this week 11/21-11/25:  Mrs. Leverton

AM HS Gym Supervision: 11/28-12/2: Mr. Fricke

Mandatory Study Hall coverage this week 11/28-12/2:  Mr. Lorenz

Nov. 23, 24 & 25 - No School - Thanksgiving Break

Club Notes:

FBLA members that are participating in FBLA District Contest--Pay your $10 fee to Lisa by December 1.


Dec. 2 - NHS - Study Hall - NHS will pack candy bags during study hall in the commons on Dec. 2 for the Santa parade on Saturday. 


Dec. 5 - HS Stuco will have a homecoming meeting during study hall on 12/5 in Mrs. Litton's room.

Prom:  Juniors interested in planning for Prom will meet in Mrs. Leverton's room every Tuesday and Thursday morning at 7:30 until further notice.


Nov. 29 - JVB/VG/VB Basketball Home v. Concordia, 5:00 pm

Dec. 1 - V Basketball vs LaMonte, 6:00 pm

Dec. 2 - JV/V Basketball Home v. Stover, 5:00 pm


Students - If you are not going to be in school because of illness or other reasons, your parent/guardian must call the school office prior to 8:30 a.m. to be excused for that day.  

If it is after 8:30, you will be marked as an unexcused absence.  

Thank you.

If you are a normal bus rider, and plan on not riding the bus, 

Please let Lisa in the office know or one of us.      

Thank you.

Emily McNeal, Stacy Young, Melanie Blumhorst. 

Attention students who drive to school:  


You must register with the HS office and obtain a parking tag issued by our school.  I do not expect you to remember to change your hang if you happen to drive a different vehicle to school one day, I understand that's easy to forget.  But if it's the typical vehicle to drive, you need a hang tag in it and you must be registered with the office as a driver.

Mrs. Groepper

Mrs. Leonard is looking for TIGER CLUB Student assistants!  This is a paid position.  If you are interested in working for Tiger Club, please contact Mrs. Leonard for more information.  

Christmas Concert  

The Elementary Christmas Concert, scheduled for December 14th, will be in the Big Gym, and the Band Concert, scheduled for December 16th, will be in the Little Gym.  Please note the time change: both events will start at 6:30 PM.  Elementary students are asked to meet in their classrooms at 6:00 PM and Band members (5-12) are expected to be in the Band Room by 6:00 PM.  Bothe Concerts are free and open to the public.

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