Monday, August 29, 2022
LUNCH TODAY: Chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables, fruit
BREAKFAST TUESDAY: Scrambled eggs & toast
LUNCH TUESDAY: Beef tacos, fresh broccoli, cookie, fruit
Menus are subject to change
AM HS Gym Supervision: 8/29-9/2: Mr. Fricke Mandatory Study Hall coverage this week 8/29 - 9/2: Mr. Lorenz |
Welcome back to school!! Please don’t forget to turn your Registration Forms into the office if you have not done so already. Also, please pay the following fees: Chromebooks: $28 JH Art: $5, Drawing: $5, Drawing II: $5, Painting: $15, Painting II: $15, Art I: $5, Art II:$5, Studio Art I: $5 Parking Hang Tag: $2 If you have any questions about fees or registration, please see Lisa in the office. |
8/29 Softball at Brunswick, 5:00 p.m. Bus departs at 2:45 p.m.
8/30: Softball/Baseball Home - St. Elizabeth 5:00 p.m.
9/1: Softball Home - Harrisburg 5:00 p.m.
9/2 & 9/5 : NO School - Labor Day
The Beginning Band/Rental Instrument night-Wednesday, September 14 @ 6:00 PM (Commons).
This is an event where beginning band students and their parents can meet with me and a representative of Palen Music concerning the instruments and accessories they will need for beginning band including having previously owned instruments checked for quality and condition.
Club Notes: Speech/Drama Team If you are interested in joining the Speech and/or Drama team, there will be a meeting during study hall on Monday, August 29.
Auditions for the fall play "Alice in Wonderland" will be Wednesday, August 31, from 3:30-4:30. The auditions are open for all students in K-12.
FBLA FBLA will have their first informational meeting on Wednesday, August 31 during study hall in Mrs. Munden's room. If you are interested in learning more, please join us! Students in grades 9-12 are welcome to attend! | Sports:
Monday 8/29 5:00 PM Softball @ Brunswick, Bus 2:45 pm
Tuesday 8/30 5:00 PM Softball/Baseball Home vs. St. Elizabeth (Both games are 5 pm starts)
Thursday 9/1 5:00 PM Softball Home vs. Harrisburg
If you are a normal bus rider, and plan on not riding the bus,
Please let Lisa in the office know or one of us.
Thank you.
Emly McNeal, Stacy Young, Melanie Blumhorst.
Kitchen staff is missing a pair of lockable tongs. If you found them, please return them to the kitchen as soon as possible. |
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